IT for a credit union, by a credit union

Credit unions are a unique type of organization. Why shouldn’t there be an IT partner that operates like they do?

About Us

A credit union approach to IT

Credit unions are a unique type of organization. Their sole commitment is to the members and communities they serve. There are no shareholders to appease or worry about a poor quarter running off millions of dollars of equity.

Credit unions are also cooperative. While they do compete for deposits, loans, and relationships, there are few other industries that collaborate like credit unions. They share information and refer business, all in the name of helping their members.

Cybersecurity, risk, and compliance are three of the top concerns of any credit union leader. A lapse in any of those areas can endanger the stability of the credit union. What if there was a company that embraced the core concepts of a credit union and could strengthen those three core areas?

Premier Technology Services (PTS) is an IT CUSO based in Des Moines with that mission. We know how critical these areas are to effective operations and also how often they are overlooked due to their complexity and the ‘if it’s not broke, don’t fix it’ mentality. Technology is an integral component of a modern credit union. You should have complete trust and confidence in its reliability, security, and capability.